Baesics Foundation Finder, a quiz to help with finding the right shade of foundation for dark-hued women.
Message from Baesics Founder:
"Shade-matching is somewhat of an art form in the beauty industry. If you’ve been blessed with an eye for undertone and are handy with a Google search, you *might* be able to correctly guestimate your shade of the latest foundation on the market. BUT, if you are like most people with a deeper complexion and an affinity towards makeup, you probably have a harder time finding your perfect match – left to wade through a sea of greige undertones, and deeper shades that are only sold online.Enter The BASEics."

Baesics needed a workflow to quickly assess the desires of women with a deeper complexion, then provide these woman with tried and true options that will suit their skin tone. IO Solutionz designed and developed a quiz that captured the features of their skin and created an architecture to map those responses to the proper products. The project took place over three months and involved some custom development integrated with WordPress. This tool serves women of deeper complexion in a space with few alternatives. If you find yourself wanting to build a unique tool like Baesics, scroll down to the bottom and let us know how we can help you!

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